Telework regulations and request

Set up on 1er September 2021, telecommuting is subject to a settlement which governs its application.

Here are a few tips on how to apply properly:

1 First of all, check that your position is eligible for teleworking. If so, be sure to justify your request. Examples: one-off or regular telecommuting, to make progress on major projects, to limit commuting, fatigue, stress, for health reasons...

  2 Once the reasons for teleworking have been formulated, you must submit your request to the department manager. It is advisable to read the rules together, before filling in the form (pages 11 and 12 of the rules). The telework request is subject to approval by the department manager and the DGS. Once signed, the form must be forwarded to the Human Resources department.

3 Don't forget to enclose your home insurance certificate with the telecommuting clause. That's right! You must inform your insurer in advance that you are teleworking. He'll define the assets protected and, more broadly, your overall coverage in the context of telecommuting.

4 Finally, don't forget to mention your teleworking day or half-day on your leave form. This will enable the HR department to add the lump-sum allowance for teleworking expenses to your pay. Simply enter :

  • T for ½ day
  • TT for 1 day