Daily life

P.L.U & P.A.D.D

Contents :

1- Current PLU

2- Ongoing PLU adaptation procedures

a) General revision of the PLU

3- Approved procedures - Availability of documents

a) Simplified modification n°1 - approved on 15/10/2018

b) Revision n°1 - approved on 07/11/2022

c) Light revision n°2 - approved on 07/11/2022

d) Modification n°2 - approved on 12/01/2024

          e) Modification n°3 - approved on 08/04/2024


1 - Current PLU

Presentation report

Addenda to the presentation report

PADD in force

PLU Regulations

Zoning-La Daille-Le Crêt
Zoning-Large territory

OAP: Orientations d'aménagement et de Programmation (development and programming guidelines)

List of public utility easements as of October 29, 2021

Prefectoral decree of August 6, 2021

Municipal by-law of November 25, 2021 updating the PLU

Easement plans

Following approval of the Local Advertising Regulations (RLP) by the municipal council on August 2, 2021, this document is appended to the PLU.

Lyon Administrative Court of Appeal ruling of November 19, 2019

In a ruling dated November 19, 2019, the Lyon Administrative Court of Appeal overturned the Grenoble Administrative Court's ruling of November 6, 2018, which had annulled the entire Local Urban Plan (PLU) approved by a deliberation of the municipal council on December 19, 2016.

The PLU of December 19, 2016 has therefore been reinstated.

However, the Court annulled certain provisions of this PLU, namely :

- articles 2.2 applicable to zones Ua, Ub, Uc and Ud of the PLU regulations concerning rules for extending dwellings, which differ according to the type of housing (individual or collective);
- social mix sectors intended exclusively for working people;
- maximum building height of 15 metres in NA zones;
- the classification of parcel AD 268 in the Uch zone;
- prescriptions relating to buildings likely to be renovated in sectors 1 and 4 of OAP 7.

For the rest, the PLU of December 19, 2016 is therefore fully applicable on the commune's territory.

Lyon Administrative Court of Appeal ruling of November 19, 2019

2 - Ongoing PLU adaptation procedures

a) General revision of the PLU

On December 17, 2018, the municipal council approved the general revision of the Plan d'occupation des sols (POS) validating prescription of the Plan local d'urbanisme (PLU) - deliberation n°2018.13.04. Attached are the other resolutions approved by the municipal council.

- Délibération n°2024.06.01relative to the debate on the general orientations of the Sustainable Planning and Development Project (PADD): 1 -

- Deliberation no. 2020.02.10 on the first debate on the general orientations of the Sustainable Planning and Development Project (PADD).

- Authorization no. 2020.10.06 relating to the information to be provided in preparation for the new debate on the general orientations of the Sustainable Planning and Development Project (PADD).

For this procedure, a register is available at the town hall's urban planning department for comments from interested parties throughout the consultation period.

A public meeting was held on Monday March 18, 2024 from 6:30pm to 8pm in the Maison de Val cinema room, during which the new Projet d'Aménagement et de Développement Durable (PADD) was presented, in the presence of the "Espaces et mutations" design office.



3 - Approved procedures - Availability of documents

a) Simplified modification n°1 - approved on 15/10/2018


b) Revision n°1 - approved on 07/11/2022


c) Light revision n°2 - approved on 07/11/2022


d) Modification n°2 - approved on 12/01/2024

On 12/01/2024 the municipal council approved modification no. 2 of the PLU, which aims to :

  • Conditionally authorize, in article 2 of zones U and N, work on existing buildings that does not comply with the regulations of the Plan de Prévention des Risques Naturels Prévisibles (PPRNP) and/or the regulations of the PLU;
  • Authorize the maintenance of existing setbacks in article 7 of U zones for existing buildings and in the case of demolition-reconstruction.
  • To correct any material errors and clarify various rules.

Please find enclosed the various documents relating to this procedure:


e) Modification n°3 - approved on 08/04/2024

On 08/04/2024, the municipal council approved modification no. 3 of the PLU, which aims to create a new Sector of Limited Size and Capacity (STECAL) on the building containing the former swimming pool (zoned Nr and Nsl), to enable the construction of a multi-use building and its leisure and sports area. This change requires not only adapted regulations, but also a modification of Orientation d'Aménagement et de Programmation (OAP) no. 3, concerning the preservation and enhancement of the snow front.

Please find enclosed the various documents relating to this procedure: