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Lost & Found
How do I go about it?
Have you found a lost object (cuddly toy, telephone, keys, glasses, etc.)? Return it to the Police Municipale. An inventory and registration of the item will be carried out to facilitate reunion with its owner.
Have you lost something? Don't forget to call or visit the Police Municipale - your item may be there! If you have to go there, remember to bring a piece of identification and, if possible, a document proving that you are the owner of the item (e.g. invoice).
That's the average number of lost and found items recovered each year by the Police Municipale.
What happens to non-recycled items?
After one year, all unrecovered items are destroyed, the jewelry is sent to the Estate (auction) and the cash is donated to a local association, as decided by the town council.
In 2022 (for items found in 2021), the donation went to the "Dans les yeux de Gabin" association. A cheque for €1,200 was presented to the association on April 13, 2022.