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Financial assistance for energy renovation

Reduce your heating bill, improve your thermal performance, combat global warming... These are just some of the points targeted by energy renovation. Here's a list of financial assistance available to the French to help reduce the cost of work.


It replaces the energy transition tax credit and the Anah "Habiter mieux agilité" grants. The scheme is open to all homeowners, regardless of income. The dwelling must have been built at least 15 years ago, or at least two years ago when replacing an oil-fired boiler. The amount of the grant is calculated on the basis of income and the ecological benefit of the work.

Submit your request directly on the website: https://www.maprimerenov.gouv.fr/

MaPrimeRénov' Sérénité

This financial aid and advice enables low-income households to be assisted in their energy renovation project.

Submit your request directly on the website: https://monprojet.anah.gouv.fr/po/demarche/infos_po

To do so, you must first create a personal account on the website dedicated to the Agence nationale de l'habitat (Anah) grants.


The zero-rate eco-loan

This assistance enables you to finance energy-efficient home renovations without having to make a cash advance. What's more, the interest rate on the loan is zero, and the loan amount can be up to 50,000 euros.

To find out more about eligibility conditions for the zero-rate eco-loan, visit : https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F19905

Coup de pouce energy savings

It enables all households to benefit from grants to finance certain energy renovation projects (heating, insulation, home improvements, etc.).

Submit your request directly on the website: https://www.coupdepouceeconomiedenergie.fr/

Energy cheque

This nominative aid helps pay housing energy bills and cope with the exceptional rise in energy prices, particularly electricity and gas. The amount is €100.

The energy voucher is automatically sent to eligible households.

Public assistance helps support the purchasing power of low-income households, with a sum ranging from €48 to €277 depending on household composition and income, earmarked exclusively for the payment of energy bills: electricity, gas, propane, domestic heating oil, wood, energy-saving work... To be eligible, you must eligibleTo qualify, you must have been the tenant or owner of your home on January 1 of the previous year, and have received a reference tax income of less than €10,800 for a single person, €16,200 for a couple, and €3,240 for each dependent. In addition to financial assistance, beneficiaries are entitled to have their electricity supply maintained in the home in the event of late payment, and are exempt from the commissioning fee applied when the new holder takes electricity in their name in the event of a move. These charges are €14.18 for electricity and €19.57 for gas, and apply to all suppliersWhether it's the incumbent supplier or one of the alternative suppliers.

Help from energy supply companies

Energy supply companies (EDF, Total, etc.) offer assistance for energy-saving work (diagnostics, advice, bonuses, low-interest loans, etc.).

5.5% VAT

This aid enables you to benefit from a reduced VAT rate of 5.5% on certain home renovation work.

Find the attestation form on the public service website.

The "Denormandie" tax reduction

It allows individuals who buy a home to renovate to benefit from an income tax reduction.

Find out more about the public service website.

Property tax exemption

Your local authority (communes, départements, etc.) can offer you this assistance if you carry out energy-saving work in your home. It can temporarily exempt you from property tax.

Micro-credit or consumer credit

To carry out home renovations, you can also take out a micro-credit or consumer credit with financial organizations.

Discover the platform : https://finfrog.fr/micro-credit)

Find out more about energy renovation grants