Projects and initiatives

Val d'Isère applies for the "Flocon Vert" label

Label of excellence for environmental and social issues on Green flake - developed by the Mountain Riders - promotes strong, comprehensive actions and guarantees the sustainable commitment of mountain destinations. Governance, mobility, energy, development, water, waste, families, disabilities... In 2022, Val d'Isère is applying for the label and will have to meet the 20 sustainable development criteria to obtain it. See the infographic.

Carpoolers, drivers of change

Vie Val d'Is participated in the creation of a carpooling community for the Haute-Tarentaise region on the Mov'ICI. Named GoWizIt connects passengers and drivers who offer regular or occasional trips throughout the country. "We need promote this new, free local mobility service, and spread the word to encourage the carpooling community. You can use it to go to work, to do your shopping, to see friends... There are many advantages for users. It's easy to use, economical and makes it easier to meet people. underlines Nicolas Hugron, manager of the association.  

How does it work?
1 Register on by entering your contact details and municipality of residence
2 Join the community GoWiz, carpooling in Haute-Tarentaise
3 Validate your account by confirming your e-mail address
4 Publish or search your first trip right away

This carpooling solution is free of charge and available in real time on cell phones.

Are we going too fast?

To encourage motorists to take their foot off the accelerator in the village, the municipality recently installed 4 new-generation speed cameras on the Prariond and Olympique avenues. Bertrand Bouché, commander of the Val d'Isère municipal police force, explains the reasons for this investment. "In most of the town, vehicle traffic is limited to 30km/h. In some areas, this is hard to respect. In some areas, it's hard to keep up. Drivers don't have their eyes on the speedometer". Installed at the acceleration points identified upstream, this new road layout is easy to dismantle. "In addition to checks, we want to combat speeding by raising drivers' awareness. A message indicates when the speed limit has been exceeded. In future, we plan to move them to other high-risk areas. The effectiveness of these radars has been proven". Adapted to extreme conditions, they are powered by a solar panel, cover a distance of 200 meters and feature sensors that record a wide range of data (e.g. calculating the flow of vehicles per hour, recording speeds). Once analyzed, the data will be useful for future decision-making. The aim is to encourage users to drive responsibly.

A new layout at the Picheru crossroads

"The aim of the work is to slow down traffic and make it safer for pedestrians to cross the road, which has a high flow of traffic to and from schools. Several options are being studied. In the future, we're giving ourselves the opportunity to develop other intersections in a coherent way, as we did with the Pistes intersection. In particular, we are considering removing the roundabout at the start of Avenue Olympique, with the aim of extending the village center. explains Laurent Recordon, head of municipal technical services. The new layout will make it possible to reconcile the different uses of this crossing point (bicycles, pedestrians, motorists, etc.). The work will be carried out in half-lane sections, and will have little impact on traffic.

The département has rejected the traffic circle project as unsuitable. Alternative solutions are currently being studied with Eurovia. To be continued in 2023...