Disabling illnesses and salary continuation

In the event of illness and inability to work, we are entitled to sick leave on presentation of a medical certificate. Depending on the case, the leave will be :

  • ordinary sick leave (CMO), when illness makes it impossible for you to carry out your duties. FIND OUT MORE ABOUT ORDINARY SICK LEAVE
  • long-standing illness (CLM), if you suffer from an illness that makes it impossible for you to carry out your duties, requires prolonged treatment and care, is disabling and of confirmed seriousness, for a maximum of 3 years. FIND OUT MORE ABOUT LONG-TERM SICK LEAVE
  • (CLD), if you suffer from a serious illness such as cancer, immune deficiency Insufficiency of the body's defences against bacteria, viruses or parasites. and acquired, etc.) for a maximum of 5 years on long-term leave, including 3 years on full pay and 2 years on half pay. FIND OUT MORE ABOUT LONG-TERM LEAVE

Photo by Marek Studzinski on Unsplash